Want to use CLONEit for PC, but can’t find a way to download it on your Windows or Mac computer? Let’s see step by step how to download it on your PC
How to Download CLONEit for PC
In order to download CLONEit on your PC, you will first need to download an Android Emulator that allows you to replicate the Android operating system. Next, you can download the application through the emulator using Google Play Store. Once it is downloaded onto the emulator on your computer, you can use CLONEit for PC anytime!
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In order to understand exactly how to download CLONEit on your PC, here are the detailed steps to walk you through the process.
Step 1: Get An Emulator
There are lots of Android Emulators out there that you can use to get a wide variety of apps on your computer. These emulators act like the Android OS. For this step by step guide, we will use the Bluestacks Emulator. Go to the Blustacks official website and follow the instructions for downloading Bluestacks to your PC.
Step 2: Signing Into Google Through the Emulator
Now that you have your emulator downloaded and installed, you can find the Google Play Store within the Bluestacks program. Click and open the Google Play Store and sign in to your Google account using your Google ID and password.
Step 3: Searching and Downloading
Once your login is complete, you can search within the Google Play Store for the CLONEit application. Once you find it click on Download to start the downloading process. Next, click the Install button in the top right corner to get the application successfully installed to your Bluestacks program. Because it is just like downloading an app to your Android device, you will also need to click on Accept, or I Accept to any Terms and Conditions.
Step 4: Opening CLONEit for PC
In order to access your CLONEit app, you will need to go to the My Apps tab in Bluestacks. You can also choose to move the app to your Bluestacks home screen for easy access. Nevertheless, the app is officially downloaded and installed to your emulator and you can use it anytime on your computer!
How to Use CLONEit for PC
Using the CLONEit app on your computer is quite easy! You will have to take a few more steps than you would on your smartphone, or tablet, but it is still the same super quick file transfer application. Here are some steps that are different from using CLONEit for PC than on an Android device.
Step 1: Emulators are a MUST
In order to successfully operate your CLONEit app, you will need to use the application through your Bluestacks emulator. There are other emulators you can use, but you will need to access the app through those as well. Open Bluestacks on your computer, then click on the “My Apps” tab. Here you can find all of your downloaded apps, including the CLONEit application.
Step 2: Opening CLONEit for PC
Using your mouse, click on the CLONEit App icon in the “My Apps” section on Bluestacks. Once the app is opened, you can sign in and start sharing with your other devices. However, you can not save things directly to your computer! It will all go through the application, and be saved to your Android Emulator.
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All things considered, it’s just the same as using your CLONEit app on your smartphone or tablet. Instead of your fingers navigating the screen, it will be your mouse. As well as having to use the emulator instead of going directly through your PC operating system.
CLONEit Alternatives
- Download ES File Explorer for PC (Windows or Mac) Step By Step
- Download Miracast for PC
- SHAREit for PC (Windows 10, 8, 7 – Mac OS)
- Xender for PC, Laptop (Windows & Mac)
Using CLONEit for PC to Share Anytime!
Through your Android Emulator, you can now download hundreds of apps to your computer! Including the amazing file transfer tools of CLONEit. Using CLONEit for PC you can batch transfer different applications, files, as well as audio and visual files all from your PC to any device you want!